This webpage will be updated regularly.

Here you can find information regarding the Graduate Student Union's "Delay Your Fall Registration" collective action. This page also answers some common questions.

If you have a question that isn't addressed here, please let us know through our Feedback Form below and we'll add it asap!

last updated 3/10/2025


Won't my Fall course(s) be canceled?

Any graduate course with 6 or more registrants can't be canceled (according to #1 of the Course Cancelation Guidelines published by the Provost's Office). We would be asking you to not register yet for any Fall graduate class that already had 6 registrants.

What if delaying my Fall registration might jeopardize me in some way?

If delaying your Fall 2025 registration could possibly impact any aspect of your life (such as academics, student housing, student health insurance, student employment, student visa, etc.), please do not delay your Fall registration! We completely understand, and we do not want this action to jeopardize any aspect of any graduate student's life.

Will this escalation action reduce the university's budget and/or income? The university needs money!

No; this escalation action is intended to only disrupt the university's budget projections without harming the university's actual budget or income. To be clear: We absolutely want all students to eventually register for their Fall classes, and we definitely want the university to receive their tuition & fees money as usual! UMass Dartmouth needs every penny it can get (just not our pennies).

Will delaying our Fall registration harm faculty, staff, departments, etc.?

We are communicating with the other 6 unions at UMassD to be sure that this "Delay Your Fall Registration" action will not impact others; it is designed to pressure only the university admins.

What if my advisor insists that I register ASAP?

We plan to meet with the Faculty Federation union to coordinate with them and get their support in advance (as well as the other unions on campus). Since this escalation action shouldn't affect your advisor in any way, there should be no need for them to pressure you into registering for Fall classes.

What are we negotiating for?

The Graduate Student Union is fighting the most for these 4 issues:

These top priorities were identified as the most important for UMassD graduate student employees based on a survey we sent to all UMassD graduate students on March 7th-8th 2025 (and Oct 12th 2023, with the same results!). If you didn't receive the recent survey email from us, please let us know.

How can I get updates on this "Delay Your Fall Registration" collective action?

Your Graduate Student Union will update this Delay webpage with the latest info, answers to questions, and all other relevant info. We'll also email everyone when we have a tentative Collective Bargaining Agreement, and when you can register for Fall classes!

When can we finally register for Fall 2025 courses?

For our escalation campaign to be successful, we must disrupt the university's budget projections for the new fiscal year (which starts on July 1). We would ask you to delay your registration until at least after July 1, and even longer if necessary to secure our best possible CBA!


If you have questions that are not listed above, please submit them through our Feedback Form below and we will respond to you asap.


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