Below are the published articles about us
(in reverse chronological order).

We enthusiastically thank UMass Dartmouth graduate student alumna Barbara Gurgel for chronicling our unionization effort!

This video can also be found on Barbara's YouTube channel.

published December 2023


Huge thanks to the American Federation of Teachers Massachusetts (AFT MA) for helping us publish this very news-worthy article!

The article can also be found on AFT MA's News webpage.

published May 2023

UMass Dartmouth Grad Student Employees Vote AFTMA.pdf

We sincerely thank Magnolia McComish, the reporter for the Dartmouth Week, for interviewing and writing about us!

The published article can also be found on the Dartmouth Week's website here.

published May 2023

Dartmouth Week Article - Election.pdf

Many thanks to the American Federation of Teachers Massachusetts (AFT MA) for interviewing us, and writing a great article!

The published article can also be found on AFT MA's News webpage.

published April 2023

A Union for UMass Dartmouth Grad Student Employees AFT MA.pdf

We sincerely thank Morgan Beard, the reporter for the Dartmouth Week, for contacting, interviewing, and reporting about us!

The published article can also be found on the Dartmouth Week's website here.

published September 2022

Dartmouth Week Article.pdf