Since August 2023, the Graduate Student Union has been working very hard to secure the strongest possible Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA) for all grad workers at UMass Dartmouth! A CBA is a legally binding and enforceable document regarding our pay, hours worked, and other aspects of our employment at the university.

If you want to join our CBA Team, we welcome you with much gratitude. Just email us or fill out our Feedback Form to get involved!

Note: Please help improve this page by sending us your suggestions through the Feedback Form below!


Dear fantastic Graduate Student Employees at UMass Dartmouth,

Your union's Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA) Team has been working very hard to secure the strongest possible CBA for all UMassD graduate student employees!

Check out our Canva graphical summary of what we've proposed to the university here. Some highlights are also below. And for the latest version of our full proposal, check your email!

If you have any ideas or suggestions for your CBA Team, please let us know by emailing us or filling out the anonymous Feedback Form below. We want to hear every voice, and your input shapes the bargaining priorities.

Also, your CBA Team always welcomes additional teammates! We greatly appreciate any assistance you can provide with writing your CBA, attending negotiations in person or over Zoom, planning union events and actions, and connecting with union members. If you are interested in learning more, please email us.

Remember, YOU put the U in Union!


Your Graduate Student Union
at UMass Dartmouth



(in reverse chronological order)

February 19th 2025, Mediation Session #2:

February 5th 2025, Mediation Session #1:

November 4th 2024:

October 2nd 2024, Bargaining Session #8:

September 27th 2024:

September 9th 2024, Bargaining Session #7:

August 5th 2024:

July 30th 2024, Bargaining Session #6:

June 10th 2024, Bargaining Session #5:

May 22nd 2024, Bargaining Session #4:

February 20th 2024, Bargaining Session #3:

December 14th 2023, Bargaining Session #2:

November 15th 2023:

August 14th 2023: We began drafting our first Collective Bargaining Agreement with the university.


If any information presented here is inaccurate or questionable, please let us know ASAP by submitting the Feedback Form below! The resources we provide can be valuable if correct, but harmful if incorrect. We are committed to providing all UMass Dartmouth graduate students with the most accurate information possible.

We also welcome any updates or additional info you have; please help us improve by submitting your suggestions.